Fast Forward After Effects

Fast Forward After EffectsFast forward after effects program

To create a fast- or slow-motion effect, changeclip speed. Changing clip speed changes the clip’s duration. Speedingup a clip removes frames, thus shortening the clip duration. Inthe same way, slowing down a clip repeats frames and thus adds tothe length of a clip. For audio clips, a change in speed also changespitch. The Time Stretch command includes an option to maintain theoriginal pitch of an audio clip at any speed.

You can changea clip’s speed using the Expert view timeline only. Not the Quick viewtimeline.



After Effects Fast Forward supplies many of those skills. As is their usual way, Ripple Training provides a drop down menu for each chapter should you want or need to repeat or go back to any specific portion of the chapter. I do miss the 'Whole Enchilada' chapter that used to be a tradition on Ripple Training discs. Tutorial teaches you how to speed up and slow down a video in Adobe After Effects.More Adobe After Effects Tutorials:https://www. To create a fast- or slow-motion effect, change clip speed. Changing clip speed changes the clip’s duration. Speeding up a clip removes frames, thus shortening the clip duration. In the same way, slowing down a clip repeats frames and thus adds to the length of a clip. For audio clips, a change in speed also changes pitch.

When you change the speed of a clip containinginterlaced fields, you may need to adjust how Premiere Elements processes the fields, especiallywhen the speed drops below 100% of the original speed.

  1. To slow down a clip that has anotherclip on its right in the Expert view timeline, drag it to an emptytrack or to the end of the movie. This way, you can stretch it withoutbumping into an adjacent clip.
  2. Note:

    If you haven’t yet inserted the clip into the Expertview timeline, you can select it in the Project Assets panel instead.

  3. Choose Clip > Time Stretch. Alternatively,click the Tools panel on the Action bar and choose Time Stretch.
  4. In the Time Stretch dialog box, type a percentage forSpeed. A value less the 100% slows down the clip; a value greaterthan 100% increases its speed.
  5. (Optional) To keep the pitch of an audio clip unchanged,select Maintain Audio Pitch.
  6. Click OK. Preview your changes, and then makeadjustments as necessary.
  7. If you moved the clip in step 1, drag it back into placein the movie.

You can change the speed and duration of multipleclips when you are in the Expert view.

    • To select non-consecutive clips, Shift-clickeach clip.

    • To select consecutive clips, click in the ProjectAssets panel and drag a marquee around the selected clips.

    • To select all the clips, press Ctrl-A.

  1. Select Clip > Time Stretch to modify the speed andduration of all the selected clips.

Premiere Elements offers a guided edit for creating a slow or fast motion effect. Use this time remapping guided edit to add dramatic effects to your video. For more information see, Time remapping.

The duration ofa video or audio clip is the length of time it plays from its first frame(In point) to its last frame (Out point). The initial duration ofa clip is the same as it was when the clip was imported or captured.Most often, you change a clip’s duration by trimming frames fromeither end. But you can also trim the end of a clip by designatinga specific duration.

Unlike video, still images are not limitedto the length of the original clip. You can set their duration toany length.

  1. Select a clip in Project Assets panel or in theExpert view timeline.
  2. In the Time Stretch dialog box, click the Link buttonto unlink speed and duration. When linked, changing the durationalso changes the playback speed of the clip.


    When you increase the speed beyond a certain limit,the duration changes even if you have unlinked speed and duration.

Reversinga clip plays the clip backward, Out point to In point. You can also reversethe clip and change its speed. In the Expert view, you can reversea clip using the Expert view timeline. In the Quick view, use theTime Remapping feature to reverse a clip.

  1. (Optional) To change the speed of the clip, type a percentagefor Speed in the Time Stretch dialog box. A value less the 100%slows down the clip; a value greater than 100% increases its speed.
  2. Note:

    To both reverse the clip and change itsspeed with one action, type a negative percentage for Speed, where–200 plays the clip in reverse at double its normal speed and –50plays the clip in reverse at half its normal speed.

Fast Forward After Effects Program

Fast forward in after effectsEffects

Fast Forward Audio

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