Brew Install Libreoffice

Brew Install Libreoffice

Templated-docs is a Django package that allows you to generate documents,including texts, spreadsheets and presentations, from templates. It utilisesLibreOffice as an underlying conversion document mechanism.


  • Generate any LibreOffice-supported document from within Django.
  • Use Django template language inside office documents.
  • Create custom generation management commands to integrate with other systems.



To install templated-docs:

You should consider installing it as mentioned in @nohillside's answer, by dragging to copy the into the /Applications directory. Alternatively, you can also install the app using Homebrew. If you already use Homebrew, you can simply run the following command-line in to install the app: brew cask install libreoffice. Brew cask install docker brew tap vangie/formula brew install fun Windows and Linux users must read this article to successfully install these tools. After the installation, first run the fun config command to initialize the configuration.

  1. Make sure you have LibreOffice >= 4.3.0 installed on the same machine
  2. Install a package with pipinstalltemplated-docs
  3. Add templated_docs to INSTALLED_APPS

If you are using cpython you may need the libffi development package inorder to compile this module’s dependencies.

  • Ubuntu: apt-getinstalllibffi-dev
  • MacOS: brewinstalllibffi

Brew Install Libreoffice Windows 10


Install Libreoffice Windows 10

To generate a document from a template sample.odt you can write a viewlike this:

Fill a template template_name using a context dictionary as a context, optionally converting it to the output_format. Returns a filename of a generated file.
Brew Install Libreoffice

More information¶

Brew Install Libreoffice-dev

  • Working with document templates
  • Useful template tags